Shawn Barber Skull Painting Workshop


Tuesday, October 22nd 4:00pm
Price $150 - $50 Deposit will go towards the $150

Join us for an exclusive 1-day, 6-hour painting workshop with the celebrated artist Shawn Barber. Known for his striking paintings that blend meticulous brushwork with dynamic energy, Shawn will guide you through the process of creating a detailed skull painting using a limited palette and photographic references. His work, particularly in "The Tattooed Portraits Series," offers a profound homage to modern tattoo culture, capturing the essence of tattooists, their tools, and environments with both respect and admiration. With a B.F.A. from Ringling College of Art, Shawn's art has been exhibited in prestigious venues worldwide and is held in private collections across multiple continents.

Workshop Highlights:
- Tools & Materials Overview: Get a complete breakdown of the mediums and tools used, along with Shawn's personal philosophy on painting.
- Drawing & Color Mixing: Learn to build a solid foundation with a focus on drawing, color mixing, and laying down your initial layers.
- Anatomy & Structure: Deep dive into the structure and anatomy of the human skull, focusing on key components and the nuances of form.
- Active Assistance & Demonstration: Benefit from Shawn's hands-on assistance and live demonstrations throughout the workshop.
- Palette Setup & Medium Choices: Gain insights into setting up your palette, choosing the right mediums, and mastering the art of suggestion in oil painting.

This workshop is perfect for beginner to intermediate painters, though some experience is recommended. All photographic references will be provided.

Supply List:
- Essential Tools: Glass turpenoid jar with lid, portable easel, palette, rags or paper towels, small cup for medium, assorted brushes (synthetic and bristle), 9” x 12” gessoed panel or canvas.
- Oil Paints: Titanium White, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red, Burnt Sienna, Ultramarine Blue, Ivory Black (additional colors optional).
- Mediums: Galkyd Lite, Liquin, or a fast-drying medium, Gamsol or turpenoid.

Shawn will provide SARAL transfer paper, ballpoint pens, and pencils for transferring and drawing images.

Reserve your spot now and dive into the world of skull painting with one of the best in the business!